Snap-On Dentures - By Phoenix, AZ

Recapture a Youthful Smile
with Implant Dentures

doctor going over dental procedure information with patient

Eat, Laugh, and Smile
with Greater Confidence

Your smile plays a big role in your personality and how the world sees you, therefore it isn’t surprising that tooth loss can cause a hit to your self-esteem. Whether you’ve experienced tooth loss due to gum disease, severe decay, genetics, systemic diseases, or trauma, our team is here to help.

At Restore Denture and Implant Center, we offer a wide variety of denture options to restore your smile and confidence, including removable implant dentures in Mesa, AZ.

No matter how many teeth you’ve lost, our skilled and compassionate denture and implant expert Dr. Alyssa Mencini is dedicated to creating implant-supported dentures that will transform your smile and restore your oral function and confidence.

Let our team help find the perfect option for you!

Learn About Your Options & Their Pricing
Denture example model

See How A Snap On Works!

What are
Snap-on Dentures?

Snap-on dentures, also known as snap-in dentures and overdentures are held in place with a bar- or ball-retained device, thereby eliminating the need for messy dental adhesives. Like traditional dentures, snap-on implant dentures are usually made of natural-looking acrylic resin.

Many traditional denture wearers complain about similar issues, especially with lower dentures because tongue movement dislodges their dentures when they chew and speak. Traditional dentures sit on top of your gums and require suction and denture adhesive to stay in place, whereas snap-on dentures in Mesa, AZ rely on implants for far greater stability and retention.

Attachments on the top of the implants create a snapping mechanism, enabling you to eat, speak and smile with ease. This also allows for relatively simple removal of your denture for daily cleaning and maintenance.

Before-&-Afters From Real Patients

All On 4 Dental Implant Patient Before
All On 4 Dental Implant Patient After
All On 4 Dental Implant Patient Before
Dental Implant Patient Kayann Holding Her Before Image
All On 4 Dental Implant Patient Before
headshot of patient
All On 4 Dental Implant Patient Before
All On 4 Dental Implant Patient After
All On 4 Dental Implant Patient Before
All On 4 Dental Implant Patient After
patient smiling after their dental procedure

The Pros and Cons of
Snap-on Implant Dentures

Because implants are surgically placed in your jawbone, this prevents further bone loss and undesirable changes to your facial structure that can happen with traditional dentures. The overdenture attachments prevent the denture from pressing down too hard on your gum line, which eliminates the discomfort experienced when biting down hard with traditional dentures.

Some patients experience a severe gag reflex with upper dentures. Snap-on implant dentures remedy this problem because your palate doesn’t need to be fully covered and denture retention is provided by the implant attachment snap mechanism. Most snap-on dentures can last 10–15 years with proper maintenance.

Snap-on dentures provide 40 to 50% of normal biting force versus just 20% with traditional dentures. This is still well below the functionality provided by fixed implant-supported dentures or full-mouth dental implants. In addition, repeated snapping in and out of the denture prosthesis multiple times per day can lead to quicker wear and tear, resulting in diminished snap retention and a perceived feeling of looseness.

In addition, any denture supported by gum tissue is prone to a change in fit because the gum line can recede or resorb. An implant overdenture requires occasional refitting, in general, every three to five years to maintain the most optimal fit and comfort.

Restore Denture and Implant Center
Office photo

Snap-on Dentures
Customized for You

At Restore Denture and Implant Center, it’s important to us that you feel completely confident entrusting us with your smile restoration. Thanks to our in-house denture lab, open communication, and compassionate touch, the entire process of getting implant dentures in Mesa, AZ is seamless—with superb quality control from start to finish.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Mencini will determine if any preliminary treatments are needed, such as bone grafting or periodontal therapy. The remaining teeth are extracted and a minimum of two implants on the lower arch and four on the upper arch are surgically placed.

It takes about six months for the healing of the sites and fusion of the implants with your underlying bone to take place. Once this has occurred, the implants are accessed from under your gums, and healing abutments are attached to them.

After two weeks, we attach the snapping feature to the denture and you’re on your way to a more comfortable, confident, and stronger smile and improved quality of life!